Hello In this page i would like to share with you all my investigations about the Zodiac Killer.
Here is a picture where i have cracked the cipher containig the zodiac killer name...
Hello In this page i would like to share with you all my investigations about the Zodiac Killer.
Here is a picture where i have cracked the cipher containig the zodiac killer name...
This page contains my investigations of the Zodiac Killer and some ciphers that i have cracked.
So i think that that the Zodiac killers name is Ken Mann or Kenneth Mann. I also send an letter to fbi about the zodiac killer here is the letter:
I have information concerning the zodiac killer. I have been studying occult sciences and numerology and have cracked partly some of hi's cipher messages.
I would like to share what i have learn from hi's letter about the letter he sent on June 26th 1970. Here is photograph of that picture http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/File:Zodiac-Colour-SFC.jpg
I used numerology to crack the code, some of those symbols in the cipher also are masonic symbols.
So here is what i did i collected all the letters from that cipher like this:
cjioamortgxfdvhcelpw, There are 20 of those letters san fransisco postal codes are five letters long. Then i used the modern numerology to give numerical values to those letters and here is the result:
So there are now four numerigal sequences containing each five numbers like this:31961,46927,66448,35375
So i calculated each sequences using numerology like this:
If i then calculate the sum of those numbers using numerology i get the number 2115, does that mean anything to you? That cant be a postal code because it only have four numbers ut as you can see the two five numbers sequences in the middle makes both a sum of 10 so for a postal numbers we have two choices 21015 and 21105 those could not be sanfransiscos postal codes though. How ever we can find a san fransisco postal code from this numerical sequence 31961469276644835375, like this 3|1|9|6|1|4|, that would make 94116 but that's just quessing?
However the numerical sequence 31961469276644835375 contains 20 numbers and the sum of the numbers is 99 and now if we add 20 to the 99 we get 119, is this a coincidence it is up to you to decide.
In the letter were he reveals hi's name in cipher there are occultic and alchemic symbols used the three symbols surrounding the k and m letter. Those symbols in occultism and alchemy means the dragons head or the worthless remains. Could M.K be hi's initials? I also think he might have been in Vietnam because the last three letters in the cipher are NAM, thats what the soldiers i believe used as a short name for Vietnam.
Here you can download the dictionary of occultic and alchemical symbols and sigils http://www.scribd.com/mobile/documents/415908
Thank you in advance!
I also discovered something else about this letter series. I found the words amor which refer to love in many languages and amort which refers to: as if dead, lifeless, spiritless, dejected and depressed.
If anyone have information concerning any person named Ken mann or Kenneth mann then contact FBI here is the link to give tip to FBI https://tips.fbi.gov/ Thank you!
I think that the Zodiac Killer might also have been in Vietnam and It could be General Mann. Anyways submit all your information to FBI. Thank you in advance.
I have also researched the halloween card that the Zodiac killer sent on october 27, 1970... Here is the picture...
As you can see that the words slaves and paradice form a 14 letter sum that the skeleton also have in it's hand. Maybe it was the number of hi's victims at that time. Anyway let us now take a look at the number 14 and what it means in numerology. It's the number of the pieces of the body of Osiris was torn by hi's brother Set, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osiris http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(mythology) So i think the Zodiac killer is practising somekind of an ancient religion. We can also calculate the values of the letters of the paradice slaves using modern numerology...
paradice slaves
71914935 131451, so now let us do some calculations, first lets calculate the sum of the paradice it's 39 and then slaves it's 16 and then the sum of those numbers is 55 http://astronlogia.com/2009/06/16/number-55-in-numerology/ and then if we calculate 5+5 well it's 10 http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu10.php and then 1+0 = 1
This card is really a halloween card and it contains also a cipher allthough many people have not realized it.
Here is my calculations using numerology and alphabets from the halloween card phrase Paradice slaves:
paradice slaves
71914935 131451
gaiadice acadea - numerology numbers in alphabets
Now when we take the numerology numbers of those that comes from paradice slaves and the find the corresponding numer in alphabets we get the
phrase gaiadice acadea, now we can see that gaia is the greek goddess of Earth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia_(mythology) and dice is the thing that people uses when they play games it's from latin datum "something given or played" and halloween is pretty much that trick or treat thing and then the word acadea is a romanian language meaning candy, aint that what the children comes to beg in halloween?
We can also find the hidden word ice dice from the halloween card http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dice#Iced_dice Ice dice is a dice containíng lead and so it more often lands on the number six and if we look at the code of the modern numerology the six contains the letters fox... Also if we turn the phrase gaiadice acadia to numerology we get the exact same numerical seguence than from paradice slaves which is 71914935 131451, this proofs that the zodiac killer is very knoledgeable when it comes to numerology... Now let us take a look at this picture from the Halloween card... As we can see when we connect those lines we get a dice with the number five in alphabets it's the letter e and in numerology it's the letters env...